About Me

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Birmingham, Alabama, United States
43 Years old Born in Wilson, North Carolina. Work in Law Enforcement / Patrol, married I am a Political Conservative without a party to represent my vote. I dislike liars, especially the type who are politicians and preachers. I oppose abortion of any type at any stage. The baby is innocent and deserves life regardless of the mothers circumstances. I also dislike racists. Especially the kind that always scream racism at others when life doesn't go there way! Get a life, it's only skin color and God made idiots in all colors. I also dislike Democrats, they wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on the ass. I dislike Republicans, they are truly the most spineless creatures on God's green earth. I dislike arrogant environmentalist who think we can destroy what God created. If your homosexual, I don't dislike you, but please keep it in your own bedroom behind closed doors for the sake of the untwisted.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Muzzling our Mouths

Since everyone is aware of what recently happened to Juan Williams employment with the National Public Radio I will not rehash the details. The bottom line to the whole story is the continuance of the radical and socialist left to muzzle the mouths of their political opposition by spreading fear throughout the land of exercising their 1st amendment right of free speech. This time they have chosen one of their own liberal mouthpieces to lay upon the sacrificial alter of political correctness, Juan Williams for the crime of speaking his true fears concerning Muslim’s who seek to murder American citizens. Juan admitted on NPR that he admits it makes him nervous while on an airliner to see members of this faith on the plain with him wearing Muslim garb. What normal and sane individual would not think back to September 11th 2001 when they notice a person dressed as a Muslim on the airplane with them? But Juan’s crime was voicing his true feelings. Why? Because it is politically incorrect to say anything that may offend certain members of a protected class of people which happens to be any minority group or off the wall radical religious group which is Anti-Christian in nature. Understand this was not only designed to punish Juan Williams but to instill fear into the hearts and minds of anyone who wishes to speak out against those protected under the umbrella of political correctness. It is designed to muzzle the mouths of those who refuse to have their own self thinking minds muted out of fear of losing their source of making a living. Well certainly if a liberal minded mouthpiece of the radical left can lose his job surely we could lose ours. The very first Amendment to the constitutions states

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
Exactly what part of this constitutional amendment is so confusing that people believe they have the authority to take someone’s livelihood away from them for speaking their mind even if it offends another person? I have the right to like or dislike another person based on any reason or preference I should choose. I also have a constitutional right to speak out against the actions of my government or individuals and even religious groups that I do not agree with as long as I am peaceful while doing so. It is painfully clear to me that our government and various governmental networks are allowing free people to lose their rights when they speak out against something the government supports. It seems to me that our constitutional rights apply to everyone and everything but We the People and our freedom to exercise those rights. Our mouths are being muzzled for the purpose of keeping us quiet while they manage to separate us from the protections of our constitution. When that happens we become mere slaves to the wishes of our government. Will we go down in the history of this great nation as the people who allowed the constitution to become meaningless or will we go down in history as people who had a backbone and refused to be separated from our rights as free Americans?

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Encourager

There seems to be some real power that imparts from one person to another through encouragement. Sometimes it can greatly tip the scales in the favor of a person even when they do not realize it. I think some people were born with that special talent given by God just to keep those around them going. I read many books and have watched many films where someone is in a particular situation or crises and there always seems to be someone around at the right time to give a word of encouragement to the one most in need of it. Maybe a greenhorn in combat is given a slap on the back by his Sergeant and a small word that tells him he is doing good even when nothing good appears to be happening and that young greenhorn has his fear subside and replaced with confidence that helps him trust in his ability and training better. Or even the other night,  I was watching The South Carolina versus Kentucky game and saw the Old ball coach talking with one of his injured players and slap him on the shoulders to encourage him. I could not hear what was said but I could read it on the coach and player’s face. It will be okay! It seemed to me that the coach needed more encouragement at the moment than the injured player but I respected the fact that he took time out of his own predicament to encourage one of his players. I wonder if the player thought so or was he so discouraged by his injury that he didn’t notice? Sometimes as human beings we really do get caught up in despair and do not recognize the encouragements that we receive from that special someone who thinks enough of us to say something kind and get us moving along in the right direction when we are down by circumstances. Sometimes we realize much later when our source of encouragement is no longer around. What a sad feeling it is when you realize this later when you no longer have a cheerleader on the sidelines of your life. I have heard many biblical speculations on the subject of Eve being a helpmeet to Adam. I have heard it described as a domestic partner, a life partner that aids her husband with his every day needs. I think a helpmeet is really intended to be an encourager. The one who keeps you motivated and is there to push you on to be the best you can be within yourself.  I really think it is true I believe, when the statement is made that behind every good man is a great woman. Nothing replaces having someone to pick you up when you are feeling down or to motivate you when you feel you just can’t go on. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Will Finish My Race

These last few months have been hard on me. I have been met with disappointments, shut out of relationships, and have struggled with growing dissatisfaction in my career. My health seems to have taken a remarkable or should I say noticeable decline. It seems at every corner I am faced with yet another dead end in this rat maze we call circumstances of life. I become outraged when I pay close attention to the direction my beloved country has taken and do not understand why so many people choose the leaders of such poor character that we have in the highest positions. I see people I care deeply about making terrible decisions in their lives that are bound to bring them misery yet I cannot do anything about it. I constantly worry over things that are out of my sphere of control yet I ponder on it as if by sheer will I can create the change I desire. I struggle with myself to improve in many areas of my own life but find myself deeper in self anger when I do not achieve my goals. Speaking of anger, I find that my level of tolerance in both large things and small have been lowered to a point that I show my anger that normally I would keep inside. I seem to have a short fuse that sometimes I even enjoy when it is lit and the anger is released. There are so many things left that I desire to do and have but cannot cross over the mountains in my way. When I feel I am making headway something always pops up unexpected to set me back a pace or two. But one thing I do have that burns deep inside of me like the white coals beneath a fire is a drive to push forward and meet these challenges head on. I sometimes have to dig deep into my soul to bring that part of me up to the surface but it is there ever present. I am unafraid but for one thing and that is to not succeed before the sands in the hour glass of my life has run out. I see myself in my minds eye as reaching my goals and grabbing on to the dreams of my heart. It is an inner struggle that battles within me between the desire in my heart and the troubles of circumstance that fall in my way. But I will hold on, push on until I find my way. I will not give up on my life and the purpose that I have been placed here to achieve. I will not let others hold me back because of what I am and who I am. I will not give up on my great country and allow it to slip from greatness nor will I allow myself to slip from the high marks I have set for myself. I will overcome and run my race to the end. I will finish my race.

Friday, October 01, 2010

America Dividing into Good versus Evil

I remember when I was young during the Vietnam era and beyond we were constantly warned of the evil of communism, Anti-Christian beliefs and the overall bad in the world and the dangers of allowing it to grow. I remember watching a film at church that depicted what it would be like in America if communism took over. How the government would treat the people as if they were slaves, torture and control them. How this would usher in the coming of the Anti-Christ and the mark of the beast. It scared me to death being an eight to ten year old boy trying to wrap this image around my brain. I remember hearing uncles and neighbors, the older men of the day who actually fought in World War II rebuke the Hippies and Anti-war crowd calling them all manners of names filled with disrespect and contempt. Of course, I thought at that time a Hippie was someone who wore long hair and didn’t bathe much so I kept that as a mental image. Those older men I admired would tell stories of these Hippies being draft dodgers and cowards or simply communist. I had no idea what these words really meant other than I thought they didn’t love America and would rather protest the war than to fight in it. I also remember myself fantasizing about being a soldier fighting in Vietnam along side the Army and Marines. In my little heart then I felt I had the courage to fight for my country. I remember trying to understand some of these concepts that preachers would warn about how the world was becoming evil and that one day the bible would be illegal to read or own. They would always say that Christians would have to go underground to worship God in America one day. In my little simple mind I would always think of how we would have to dig tunnels underground to have church and worship. I didn’t understand the wording used but I understood well what they were saying meant that if you believed in God you would be in danger and would have to hide to worship. Now that I am 43 years old, I often find myself thinking that America and its people have lost sight of God and his principles and the love of country that I once knew. Do I pretend to be perfect? By no means am I saying that, I can be a champion sinner at times. But even when I sin I know what I am doing is wrong. I possess the ability to know wrong from right. Over the course of my life so far I have watched this countries government turn from a very patriotic body of leaders into government that detests personal liberties and the history of greatness this country has been to the world. I remember distinctly when I was younger and President Ronald Reagan would be on the television everyone stopped what they were doing to listing to his words. He was the President and he was respected. Now, when I see our current president on the television I either listen to hear what the latest trick our government is pulling on the American people or I switch channels to watch something more productive such as a ball game. Now our president travels the world wide to apologize and put down our great country. What a tremendous disgrace and appalling difference between the two. I also pay attention to the constant attacks on Christianity as this nation seems to be in a nightmare love affair with any and every religion that opposes Christianity, especially that of Islam. We are at war we this fanatical murderous cult and yet our own government will not recognize them as evil and downplays their atrocious murderous ways. I also see where our courts are under legal attack with continuous assaults on the freedoms of Americans to worship as Christians and the bible being removed further and further from public view. What is alarming is how many people in this country now hate this country that is a gift from God to all of us who were blessed enough to be born here. I also see how many people who claim Christianity and vote for those in government who try to remove Christianity away from us. How can this be possible? The people who shout blessed is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and then turn around and vote for a candidate of the party that is trying to kill Christianity and have it removed from our lives. I see the warnings of my youth coming to pass everyday. What they were trying to warn us about is happening and most of us deny this.  No, our country has not been taking over by another country like I envisioned it with soldiers parachuting from the sky, but as political enemies of America being voted into office by Americans themselves. The evil and Anti-American crowd simply walked inside upon the invitation of the American people without force. What I see is that what we were warned about as kids is already taking place. I see a great divide taking place in this country that does not run along party lines. I see the great division taking place and forming two groups of Americans. I see these two groups of people as the Good versus the Evil and I wonder sometimes if all the people even realize this is happening. As for me, I will be on the side of good until the end.